Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Musicing and the New Technologies

What should be included in the emerging curriculum for music education technology? Currently beginning courses include
  • web authoring (usually html based),
  • sound recording and signal processing,
  • podcasts,
  • music notation,
  • music sequencing,
  • image processing,
  • video recording editing.
This covers a lot of territory. Other courses might explore specific applications in some depth with projects in production of compositons and arranagements, podcasts series, and distance collaboration applications. In such a course, the emphasis would be on integrating music technology into the music curriculum from the perspective of music education.

There is also a need for courses that investigate new developments and provide opportunities to assimilate new practices in using technology to establish an atmosphere of creating and making materials. These courses should constantly sample developments in related fields and seek to include leading-edge thinking and practice. Computer-Assisted-Instruction morphed into Web-based Training, but CAI appears to be losing its position as a dominant practice in most music education technology courses. One such course that is going through a reincarnation to a new paradigm can be seen at this music education website for CAI.


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